Black Currant Jam Recipe

This Black currant Jam Recipe is the perfect way to use up a glut of blackcurrants. Only Fresh black currants and sugar  are cooked briefly for scrumptious homemade jam.

Black Currant Jam Recipe


  • 1kg  fresh black currants
  • 800g  sugar

Black Currant Jam Recipe - photo



Currants washed. Grind in a blender puree. We put on a slow fire. Boiled, stirring occasionally, for a quarter. Remove from the heat. Pour the sugar, stir. Again, put on a slow fire. Looking forward, again stirring occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved. Then we increase the fire a little, and bring to a boil. Give boil for two or three minutes and remove from heat. Decomposed into sterilized jars.

Bon Appetit !

Black Currant  Jam Recipe

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